Wednesday 19 September 2012


The Wooden Mistress came to me just after I scheduled the last post. I'm keeping them to the time I wrote them when I wrote them, but they follow the post order. This post was from the 14th of the 9th. Five days before posting is allowed from said Mistress.

Anyway, Her strings were to a poor little girl. She reminded me of my sister before she was taken.

Mistress made her do things. I was told to watch or the girl died. She made her burn herself, cut her legs carefully to avoid bleeding too much and made her reenact some of the abuse she suffered by her father. I was being tested. I had to watch all of this and not save the girl. I was a coward, in my opinion. But I have been reading, learning. I even listened to INSANITY as he help bring me to date. He said blogs would help me understand. I knew what happened to those that failed to understand those they serve.

This is all so tormenting. She does this every day, to torment me or to test me. I have a vague idea it's both and just because she can. She reminds me every time that I'm not the ones with the strings, so I should be grateful. I take the hint and watch. She has done this with women and girls, men and boys, even old people whose limbs are to stiff and snap performing her acts. And they do so with no control, crying at me, cursing me, demanding me why they are suffering while I watch in silence. She even made me pull the strings sometimes. Makes me do thing with children that I never wanted to see.

Do you know how much a girl cries when you make her brother bite at her hand slowly? It tore at my heart and I nearly got myself stringed if INSANITY hadn't held me back from rushing to them.

This time she offered me the girl to do what I will with her, hinting that the girl wouldn't be new to it, as we just saw. I refused to and went back to reading, trying to understand what world I am now thrown into. She decided to leave the girl in my care...

Oh, and Mistress is mute but she can talk to me through her strings. Much like those string and cup phones. It's why I'm hated by her toys. They think I do this willingly despite my appearance. Like I'm the mask of the Insane guy, not the other way round.

Someone give me reason to rebel. I'm dominated by these things and I can't understand why I was picked out. I was reading some of your blogs. You say you have to be aware of them to attract their attention. WHY AM I CHOSEN?!


sanity, why you be so boring? You were chosen to be the Host of me, the Gift. Accept it and move on, ass hat. 

Oh, and I only saved you because I hate Woodchip. 

Also, rebel against the others? Sure. Rebel agasint me? HAH!



  1. David Grant: Should have known that INSANITY was a Dying Man piece. No one other entity can be so focused on only one trait.

    I am of course talking about INSANITY being an asshole.

    1. He is so much an asshole to the other Fears that I think it's why he is known as Insanity. I mean, he may be crazy but he isn't insane... at least not yet.

