Sunday 14 October 2012

First day of Actual Work - Lyron

Oh gosh, my partner for this job thing that Emily has been filling me in (Also, she is a nice girl, when she forgets her one sided romance) is straight from a tragic story. A handsome young man, 24, with cliche protagonist brown hair and blue eyes. A Gary Stu, if you look over the fact that his face tells you otherwise, what with the constant sad look, haggard and gaunt, as if he has a inner conflict.

But I base most of this on the foreknowledge I acquired on him. Poor Mitch, made to host this Dying Man shard that they call Insanity.

Lucky for me, I'm homosexual and despite this compulsion that I will identify as nothing more than Red Cap attraction (I wonder if it normally attracts humans that aren't Marked like that?), I don't feel the need to engage in intercourse with him. Yay for diversity! But then again, I could have been chosen for that reason...

Anyway, yes, we finally arrived in Dogscape... Motherfucker. Now I hate dogs, mainly because they are messy in their affection of owners and I prefer cats because cats are badass. Personal opinion, don't kill me for it... or don't kill me at all. I'm just a proxy that reports things and remembers conversations and actually, I will go into the details about me later.

So yes, fucking ew, Dog matter everywhere. Being away from our world has it's perks though. The Wooden Girl can't use her strings on Emily, so Emily has been lovely and oh my god, I feel so sorry for her. The only influence of the Fears are that the Red Cap has tempered with her and yeah... despite telling me that she hates sex and never want's to experience it ever again because of her father, she is aroused around IN/sanity.

INSANITY has me as her caretaker. Surprisenly, he is bearable. Mostly because I suspect sanity has filtered him somehow or diluted him to humanity. Either way, he is caring about Emily and even seriously suggested that we entrust her to someone who actually won't hurt her to look after her.

I suspected the reason was to rid of her, as you would expect from him, INSANITY, the asshole but he didn't want her under the Fear's influence because she might get worse treatment when we returned.

Oh, and the talk of INSANITY being a mask thing? Seems legit. A by-product of the experiment. Because I don't have a shard in me, I didn't need that many Fears to do what ever the fuck they do with us to survive the verse jumps.

Only thing is, because of the need to have a bit of the Newborn's powers... and Emily lacking that, she has lost her hair colour to that of a green hue, like new leaves on a hedge green. And her eyes are a sharp looking opal colour. Worst change of all is that her skin appears to take on a more... leafy texture. INSANITY told us that he tried to use his influence and that of the other Fear's that are in sanity's bodies to keep her whole as possible, but he could only do so much. IN/sanity seems to be fine but to be honest, the only change to affect me is that my toes are flexible... like I can use them as primitive hands. Fucking freaky but handy.

I'm in fact, in a Dog-matter free house, fixing up Emily's hair for her and using my toes to type this on the laptop I found in my last post. Also, Emily uses an Android tablet which INSANITY uses at time because he finds sanity's Pandora device fickle. Then again, a DS sized computer, running a Linux platform no less, is fickle to me too. I have a Mac. And it was free!

Anyway, what else to mention? We searched for a day, arriving in the morning, for this "Framework" or what ever, or as Emily and INSANITY tell me, Newborn Instance - Romeo or so the Towerborn told them.

OH! I forgot to mention, before leaving, I found out that they have a barracks of servents of other Fear's under their command. They are currently tasked with pooling resources together to take out the runners in Australia for us while we explore other worlds... I have no idea which one of us has the shitty end of the stick, actually.

Anyway, I need to sleep, and Emily too. After what feels like a month, but my laptop tells me a few days, we arrived at the destination. We fought (Or INSANITY did, and we girls hiding because fucking hell, why don't we have powers useful when against old creatures of myth like Will-o'-the-Wisps? Emily can use strings like most willing dolls (I'm told it's an uncommon gift, mainly because The Wooden Girl likes some of her toys more than others) which is useless on the.... thing since it has no physical body and I have jack all in the offensive skills other than stealing memories. Fucking yay, I'm dependant on a Dying Man host to look after me.

INSANITY (or sanity if you are reading this and are away from Emily), please don't die on me. I have no fucking clue what the shit I am meant to be doing and oh god, why the fuck Dogscape of all places? I just hope we arrived at the right one (Because sanity, who is lovely in person guys and you should all try and get to know him, informed me that out of all the possible worlds, he only knows of two... Allow me to reiterate that with some bold shall I? He only knows of two) since that we could damn well not be anywhere we want to be. I mean, we could be on the other side of the planet. Finger crossed we meet with Scape's group.

I want to meet the group, maybe get an interview with Grant and Scape, maybe even the Fears with them. I decided to document all this, just for the sake of everyone. I was talking with Knight on his blog, the latest post of know being Past for those from the future who decide to follow this blog and read our past (Aren't I kind and caring?), that I could still be a reporter despite my situation, but I still have no idea on getting money  put of this to make a more honest living.

I'm ranting now... I do this a lot these days so forgive me as I slowly adjust still. I mean, motherfucker, all this shit started a few years back and it's slowly getting bigger. And then other worlds. Like fuck, let's go to a feast where every surface has food on it and you have no idea if you will be able to taste everything before something happens to you.

Argh... tired and still on here, I'm totally going now, bye my lovely readers! I think sanity might post next, he seemed determined to post something. Either about the dreams, the hike ages ago that was the seed of this for him or God kn- no. No God now, after all this. But you understand. I think. Okay, I'm going to sleep, and fuck you if you're lost, I give up being coherent. Spell check is saving me for now.

Again, night!



  1. I'm up for an interview. But chances are The Coward will control my body and fuck it up.

    1. Yeah... We will kill that fly when it buzzes and move on.


    2. I'd be okay with an interview. You seem like the nicest person on this blog.

    3. Emily is nice too you know, now she is away from the Wooden Girl's influence.


    4. I guess.
      Let me rephrase this, you appear to be the only sane or normal person here. If I didn't have a boyfriend already and had even a remote chance I'd totally try to flirt with you right now, but I shan't.

    5. Flattered, if not baffled, but flattered!

      And yes, I seem to be the least affected one here. Aside from the fact I don't fucking get half the shit I'm involved in, I'm going pretty damned good.

      Well, don't flirt with people online. You have no idea what they look like...


  2. you comment me, I comment you.

    Hello, I am Duskeye. Pleased to meet you.
